Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Episode 10: A Decade in K'un Lun

The guests strike again! This time they're joined by friend Dillon Snail. They got a little insider info on the Deadpool sequel, impressions on Marvel's Iron Fist hosted on Netflix, and as always ended it with some game talk, revolving around Horizon Zero Dawn, and the highly controversial Mass Effect: Andromeda, or as it's more professionally known, Mass Effect: Inquisition

I'm pretty sure you can find them on twitter, Andrew is here, and Max is here. and the show's official account is right there!

As always you can find the show Wednesday mornings on iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, and other podcast services. If you like the show leave a review, tell a friend, or email us questions, comments, content, and concerns at

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